Overview of Circle of Security Parenting
05/13/16 Maine Association for Infant Mental Health 05/11/16 2016 Response to Recovery Conference
03/16/16 WrapCT Learning Collaborative 03/01/16 Groton Early Childhood Council
02/19/16 Intensive Family Preservation 02/18/16 DCF Early Childhood Development training
02/16/16 CT Family Resource Center Alliance 09/26/15 Hartford, CT - Foster Parent University
06/25/15 Nebraska - Panhandle E.L. Connections 08/18/15 Friends Center for Children
03/20/15 EASTCONN Infant Toddler Conference 03/23/15 Darcey School, Cheshire, CT
04/08/15 Montana WIC Program 01/13/15 2015 New York State Infant and Toddler Conference
10/31/14 Maine WIC Program